Detective Conan TV Series - Kogoro-san is a Good Man ( 661-662 )


Title: Kogoro-san is a Good Man
Title: 小五郎さんはいい人(Kogorō-san wa Ii Hito)
Original airdate: June 23, 2012 (Part 1) & June 30, 2012 (Part 2)
Season: 21
Manga source: Volume 75: Files 3-5 (787-789)


Case Cast: Conan Edogawa, Masumi Sera, Ran Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, Kogoro Mouri, Wataru Takagi, Miwako Sato, Keisuke Hara, Ryusuke Higo, Detective Samonji, Yoko Okino

Suspects: Kumi Bannai, Ken Ishigame, and Junji Hyoudou

Case solved by: Ryouhei Onda (via Conan)

Next Conan's Hint: Clothespins (Part 1) & The name (Part 2)


Voice-Changing Bowtie
Voice-Changing Bowtie


Part 1
When Ran, Sonoko, Sera, and Conan are walking, they receive a phone call from Ran's father Kogoro, who asks her not to bother cooking dinner for him as he will be gone for the night. Upon Conan's explanations, the most logical explanation for Kogoro's behavior for the last few days is that he is carousing at a nearby beer garden. Ran, of course, gets understandibly upset about her father irresponsibility, but then an old lady named Takae Kiritani interjects, claiming that Kogoro has been visiting her lately and helping out with some minor household chores, free of charge!

Upon Ran's revelation that she is Kogoro's daughter, Ran and Conan accept Mrs. Kiritani's invitation for dinner, and soon meet the man the old lady believes to be Kogoro Mouri: a young student named Ryouhei Onda, who was asked by Mrs. Kiritani's granddaughter (a fellow student) to help her grandmother against a burglar gang. Though even after the burglars were eventually caught, Onda kept visiting her and helping her out with chores and trivial problems. Now caught in the lie, Onda promises to let to of this deception after this visit, but unfortunately, a loud scream alerts everyone to a crime nearby: in a neighboring apartment house, a man was found in a pool of his own blood.
Victim:Gensuke Denkawa
Cause of death:Slit wound on the throat
Suspects:Kumi Bannai, Ken Ishigame, and Junji Hyoudou
Conan runs onto the scene past a broken door to find three people standing near a dead man who has collapsed in a doorway holding a knife in his right hand and a room key lying on the floor near him.

Part 2


The culprit is Junji Hyoudou.


Next episode: Chase the Miyama Stag Beetle » ( Coming Soon )


Kogoro-san is a Good Man Part 1 ( 661 ) INDONESIAN SUBS !

Kogoro-san is a Good Man Part 2 ( 662 ) INDONESIAN SUBS !

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